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When times are tough, sometimes you just need someone to talk to.Talking about what’s bothering you can be a very therapeutic experience. Getting someone to listen to you and provide support can be the most relieving feeling. It could be their nods of understanding, welcoming eyes, or voice of reason. that could give you connection you need.

Whatever the case is, finally getting the courage to share your feelings and concerns can give you that feeling of relief.

Due to an increase in the awareness of the prevalence of mental health issues, several online communities have created safe spaces to talk about various issues and traumas. An online search will show you plenty of resources and places to go to for support. This article briefly introduces 5 places you can confide in when the times are tough.

Your family and friends

It can be tough to open up to the people you care about the most, simply because you may not want them to know you are hurting. This is why sharing how you feel with your family and friends is not always a first option for many people. However, if you are looking for someone to help you get your mind off of things, the people closest to you can most likely help.

When it comes to getting support, even just a casual conversation can help. You don’t necessarily have to tell them about everything that’s bothering you all at once.Over time you’ll slowly become more comfortable with the idea of sharing how you truly feel.

Your pet

Your trusty companion can play a great supportive role when you are feeling down and gloomy about things. Be it a goldfish or golden retriever, they can be there for you when you want someone to listen. Not only can your furry friend welcome your concerns with a wagging tail, they also won’t hold any judgement against you.

This is a huge bonus, as it can get difficult telling people how you feel due to the fear of being judged. With pets this problem doesn’t exist – you’re still their best friend no matter what. Talking to your pets and expressing your feelings to them can be a good place to start before you start sharing your feelings with someone.

Online communities

There is a plethora of online communities you can go to for support. Often times these online communities will be overlooked by mental health professionals, such as psychologists and counsellors. This makes for a great place to interact with others who are seeking support. Online forums and communities can give you a place to read about other people’s experiences. They also give you a place to keep things anonymous as well.

You can interact and respond to others, which puts you in a supporting role. Helping others and sharing your input can be a therapeutic feeling. You’ll continuously learn how others cope with their past hurts and traumas, while also learning a bit more about yourself. You’ll also begin to see that you are not alone, and that others may feel the same way.

If you’re looking for a place to learn and interact with others, try going to an online community for support.They can be found through a quick search on Google!

Mental health professionals

Speaking with mental health professionals has its obvious benefits. When you are looking for support, speaking with your family doctor, psychologist, therapist, or counsellor can be the best option. Their professional advice will be focused on improving your overall lifestyle. Speaking with a mental health professional is great when you need someone to guide you along the healing process.

Mental health professionals are trained and educated not to hold judgement, so anything you share with them will not be held against you. Their priority is ensuring you are receiving the treatment you need, and that you can leave their session armed with tools to battle your worries. If you are looking for help from a professional, it’s best to begin with your family doctor.

Your family doctor can point you in the right direction and refer you to other professionals who can be of aid.


There are plenty of places you can go to for support. Consider one or two of these supportive places whenever you’re feeling down, distressed, or just need someone to talk to. Your mental health is important, and speaking to someone who understands that can help you embark on the road to healing.

Counsellors are one member of the team that is responsible for your mental wellbeing. If you are looking for other places to go for support, you can check out this resource created by the Canadian Mental Health Association. You can also refer to the resources put together by Here to Help.

Use the form below or give us a call to get in touch with one of our counsellors. Contact us and receive a free 30-minute consultation towards achieving a better state of mind. We are here to listenand speak about anything that may concern you or a loved one.

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